Load Shedding: Everything You Need to Know

Load shedding has become an increasingly frequent occurrence in many countries, particularly those with limited or unreliable electrical infrastructure. The practice of load shedding involves the temporary interruption of power to certain areas to prevent a total blackout, and it’s a way to evenly distribute available power across the region. But it can cause significant inconvenience and even potential hazards to individuals and businesses who rely on electricity for daily operations. This is why it’s important to understand the basics of load shedding, how it works, and what steps you can take to mitigate its effects.

In this FAQ page, we answer the most commonly asked questions related to load shedding, from the causes of load shedding to how to prepare for it. We will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the practice of load shedding, so you can be better prepared in the event of power outages. Whether you’re a homeowner, a business, or simply a curious member of the public, this page is designed to give you the information you need to navigate the impacts of load shedding. So, read on to learn more about this important issue and how to manage the impact it has on your life.

Load shedding is an emergency measure implemented by power companies to balance the supply and demand of electricity. In times of high demand, power companies may not have enough electricity to meet everyone’s needs. Load shedding means that certain areas will have their power temporarily interrupted for scheduled periods of time.

To check load shedding in your area, you can use the Eskom or your local municipality’s online load shedding schedule. You can also use our website that provides information on load shedding schedules.

Load shedding is usually categorized into stages ranging from stage one to stage eight. You can check the schedule to see which stage is currently in place in your area.

You can find your load shedding area by checking your bill or contacting your local municipality.

Load shedding first began in South Africa in 2008.

Load shedding schedules vary by area and time of year. Check your local schedule to find out when load shedding will occur.

Stage 6 load shedding occurs when there is a severe shortage of electricity supply, and the power company needs to reduce the load by 6,000 MW.

Load shedding hours can vary depending on the demand for electricity, and may not be known in advance. The best way to stay informed is to check your local schedule regularly.

Stage 8 load shedding refers to an extremely severe shortage of electricity, with an 8,000 MW reduction required.

One way to keep your internet on during load shedding is to invest in a generator or UPS (uninterruptible power supply). You can also use a mobile hotspot or connect to cellular data to stay online.

You can find your load shedding area by checking your bill or contacting your local municipality.

Mobile networks can be affected by load shedding, but some may have better contingency plans than others. You may want to research the networks in your area to determine which one has the best track record during load shedding.

Load shedding is a common problem in many countries, particularly those with aging infrastructure or limited electricity supply. Check the current list here.

When load shedding occurs, the electricity supply to your area is temporarily interrupted, including the power to your modem or router. This means that your fibre internet connection will be down until the power is restored.

Estimates vary, but it’s clear that load shedding has had a significant impact on businesses in South Africa. Power outages can disrupt operations, damage equipment, and even lead to lost revenue and customers.

If you’re a tourist in South Africa, make sure you’re aware of the load shedding schedule in your area. Plan your activities accordingly, and be prepared for power outages by charging your devices and having a backup power source if possible.

Load shedding is an emergency measure used by power companies to prevent a complete power grid failure. It is necessary because the demand for electricity sometimes exceeds the supply, and power companies need to balance this demand to ensure a stable power supply.

Please enter your suburb below in the search bar to display the most recent load shedding schedule for your area.

Loadshedding.com provides users with real-time updates on the load shedding schedule for their specific area, allowing them to plan ahead and prepare for power cuts. Loadshedding.com also offers tips and advice on how to conserve energy during load shedding, as well as provide information on backup power solutions, such as inverters, generators or solar panels. With features such as notifications, location search and the latest news, loadshedding.com can help users stay informed and reduce the inconvenience of power cuts. Whether you are at home, work, or on the go, loadshedding.com is a useful tool to have during times of electricity shortage.


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